Things Going Well by Kaze Gadway

Things Going Well by Kaze Gadway

When I stopped to talk to someone I knew on the street, I ask him as usual “How are thing going?”
“Things going well,” he says with a big grin. “I had a good breakfast and I have a good sleeping bag plus a blanket. So I am fed and warm. I can’t ask for more.”
It intrigues me sometimes when I start a conversation and the street people have such vitality. I expect them to have desperation or depression and often they are filled with energy instead.
I am reading a story about the early Colorado mining days where the grime and lack of amenities abound. Yet families managed to find something beautiful like a colorful cloth used as a curtain, or dried flowers to put on the mud walls. It seems that during the worst of times in our human history, we still find a way to bring some color, some comfort into our lives that inexplicably cheer us.
I think that is why I like to hand out assortment of things with different colors, like hats or scarves or rain hats or candy. Those on the street get such joy at choosing something with different colors.
Sometimes abundance is in color or smell not in numbers. I have to think about this for Thanksgiving.

One thought on “Things Going Well by Kaze Gadway”

  1. Thanks for reminder to be attuned to upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving and the plethora of things, incidents and people we can give thanks for. Glad things are going good by you. (Me too).

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